Yosa & Ellen
December 5th 2021
13.00 -
14.00 WIB
360 Degree Function Room DoubleTree by Hilton Surabaya
Jl. Tunjungan no 12, Genteng, Surabaya
December 5th 2021
15.00 -
18.00 WIB
360 Degrees Function Room DoubleTree by Hilton Surabaya
Jl. Tunjungan no 12, Genteng, Surabaya
Due to current circumstances, we’re having a live-streamed ceremony.
Click/ scan this below to join us.
With our gratitude, we would like to apologize that our Holy Matrimony will be held privately for family only, due to limitation in this pandemic. It's a pleasure for us to receive your blessings and prayers to our Wedding Day, we wish for your presence in our live streaming :
Sunday, December 5th 2021
Without compromising respect, invited guests who are willing to attend the event are requested to comply with the following health protocols
Wedding Wishes
Wedding Gift
Apabila diantara Bapak/ Ibu/ Saudara/ i ingin memberikan hadiah pernikahan kepada kami dipersilahkan melalui informasi rekening berikut ini :
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