The Wedding of

Wiwik & Sherly


Wiwik & Sherly
To :
We do apologize for any misspelled name/title
Mohon maaf apabila ada kesalahan penulisan nama/gelar





God makes everything beautiful in the perfect time.
Beautiful when He brings together, beautiful when He brings love, and beautiful when He brings our sons and daughters together in a sacred marriage bond.

Nuzulul Isnaini Arwinda Rahayu

Putri Kedua dari :
Bapak Winardi
Ibu Ruminah

Elfan Fauzi Akbar

Putra pertama dari :
Bapak Muh Afandi
Ibu Elida Rahma

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19 February 2022

08.00 WIB

Kediaman mempelai Wanita

Jl. Putri Kelanjan RT 12 RW 03 Desa Bogem Kecamatan Gurah Kabupaten Kediri


19 February 2022

12.00 - 15.00 WIB

Kediaman mempelai Wanita

Jl. Putri Kelanjan RT 12 RW 03 Desa Bogem Kecamatan Gurah Kabupaten Kediri

Live Streaming

During the new normal period, our Holy Matrimony will be held privately with very limited attendees.

Therefore, we invite you to join us virtually from the comfort of your home as we exchange our wedding through live streaming

Tap Here

Wedding Gift

For family and friends who would like to send a gift. We would be glad to receive it. Tap the following buttons to send them to us.

Souvenir Gift

Thank you for the support, prayers, and wedding gifts given.
Please fill in the form below correctly, so that we can send the souvenir to your address.
Thank you


Capture Your Moment

Capture our wedding using instagram filter below
and share on your social media using hastag #Doinlove

Give a Wish

"No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and His love is made complete in us."

1 John 4 : 12

Our Love Journey

First met

The day we met was the beginning of everything

In relationship 💕

The taste of love is sweet, when our hearts meet.

Got propose

Love is not finding someone to live with, its finding someone you can't live without

Get Married

By the blessing of God. We decided on forever

Health protocols

Without compromising respect, invited guests who are willing to attend the event are requested to comply with the following health protocols

Wash your hand frequently

Use Handsanitizer

Wear a mask

Social Distancing

Don't Shake Hand

Avoid crowds

Give a Wish

Wiwik & Sherly






Wedding Gift

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a.n Ricardo
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a.n Viin Estika

Wedding Gift

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a/n. Dhinar Tri Istiwulan