Ricky & Genti
Ricky Thia
Putra Kesebelas dari
28 Mei 2022
10.00 WIB
River Community Chruch
12 Arumugam Rd,#06-07 . Singapore
18 Juni 2022
11.00 WIB - Selesai
GKKI Rosedale Batam
Rosedale blok E no 81 Batam
Apabila Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i berhalangan hadir, acara ini juga dapat disaksikan secara virtual melalui tautan live ZOOM dan Youtube berikut sesuai waktu yang tercantum diatas
We would like to express our gratitude having crossed paths with you in our lives. It is unfortunate that we cannot be together in person, but we would really appreciate it if you could join us to celebrate our special day online.
Tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat, Tamu undangan yang bersedia hadir di acara tersebut dimohon untuk mematuhi protokol kesehatan berikut:
Your presence at our wedding is the greatest gift of all. However, if it is your wish to bless us with a gift, we would greatly appreciate it.
You may refer to the details below
Tap here
"Dan di atas semuanya itu: kenakanlah kasih, sebagai pengikat yang mempersatukan dan menyempurnakan"
Kolose 3: 14
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