The Wedding OF

Nico & Clara


Counting down

  • 00Hari
  • 00Jam
  • 00Menit
  • 00Detik

So they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.

Matthew 19 : 6

Tuhan membuat segala sesuatu indah pada waktu-Nya, Dia yang mempertemukan, Dia yang mengajarkan tentang kasih, Dia pula mempersatukan putra - putri kami dalam Pernikahan Kudus

Gideon Nico Sanjaya

Putra Pertama dari
Bapak Deni Janto & (♰) Ibu Jong Sioe Mei

Clara Eunike

Putri Pertama dari
Bapak Liannabas & Ibu Lusy Yulianti


Sabtu, 26 November 2022

16.30 s/d selesai

Gedung Arsip Nasional RI
Jl Gajah Mada No 111, Jakarta Barat

Our Story

First Meet - Nov 2014

We studied at the same school, SMA Tarakanita 2 Pluit, but we met through our close friends. It started when I needed someone to take me to buy some ice cubes for the school event, he offered to take me to the store. And fast forward 8 years later to now.

Relationship - 7 years

There's up and down on our relationship, just like everybody else. We fight, we argue, we laugh, but in the end, we love a lot in the past 7 years. No relationship is flawless, neither ours, but we never give up on each other.

Engagement - Feb 2021

It happens so quickly! We think that we are at the right age (24) and ready to start a new chapter of our lives together. We are thankful that we are surrounded by so many people who support us no matter what.

Sangjit Ceremony

Our official engagement happened on 29 may 2022, one month before the wedding. We are forever grateful we can enjoy this moment surrounded by our loved ones.

Live Streaming

Tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat, dikarenakan kondisi pandemi, prosesi pemberkatan nikah hanya akan dihadiri oleh keluarga, namun merupakan suatu kebahagiaan bagi kami jika Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i dapat memberikan doa restu melalui Live Streaming di Youtube kami berikut ini

"Tunjukkan sertifikat vaksin Anda melalui aplikasi Peduli Lindungi "

Wedding Gift

Tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat, apabila Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i ingin memberikan wedding gift untuk kami maka dapat melalui :

BCA : 6041142020 Clara Eunike

Capture Your Moment

Gunakan hashtag #CLAimingNCO dan filter dibawah ini


Kindly let us know your availability for our
wedding reception before Sunday, 29 May 2022


Health Protocol

With all due respect, invited guests who are willing to attend the event are requested to comply with the following health protocols

Wash your hand frequently

Use Handsanitizer

Wear a mask

Social Distancing

Don't Shake Hand

Avoid crowds

The Wedding of

Nico & Clara

22 . 11 . 2022

You're invited to the wedding of

Nico & Clara

Kepada YTH. Bapak/ Ibu/ Saudara/ i

Kami meminta maaf apabila terdapat kesalahan penulisan nama/ title

Wedding Gift

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a/n. Dhinar Tri Istiwulan