The Wedding of

Adrian & Dewi

Adrian & Dewi
To :
We do apologize for any misspelled name/title
Mohon maaf apabila ada kesalahan penulisan nama/gelar





God makes everything beautiful in the perfect time.
Beautiful when He brings together, beautiful when He brings love, and beautiful when He brings our sons and daughters together in a sacred marriage bond.

Adrian Kurniawan

First Son of
Mr.Gunawan and Mrs.Herlianawati

Dewi Herawati

Second Daughter of
Mr. Tjay Goan and Mrs. Maryati

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Holy Matrimony

February 22nd 2022

12.00 WIB

Vihara Padumuttara

Jl. Bakti No.14, RT.001/RW.004, Sukasari,
Kota Tangerang

Wedding Reception

February 26th 2022

18.00 - 20.00 WIB

Restoran Pondok Selera 2

Jl. Gatot Subroto No.66, RT.1/RW.002, Uwung Jaya, Cibodas, Kota Tangerang


Thank you for the blessing and for joining us on our special day.
We truly appreciate your time just to share this special day with us.
Stay healthy everyone!

Give a Wish

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If one finds a sagacious friend, who is a virtuous and steadfast companion, one should live with him joyfully and mindfully, overcoming all dangers.

Dhammapada 328


Wedding Gift

Your blessings and virtual presence will be more than we could have hoped for. However, if you wish to honour us with an extra love through digital platform, you may refer to the details below.

Adrian-Dewi-BCAQR-MBCA a
BCA - 6580545970
Copy No. Rekening

Health protocols

Without compromising respect, invited guests who are willing to attend the event are requested to comply with the following health protocols

Wash your hand frequently

Use Handsanitizer

Wear a mask

Social Distancing

Don't Shake Hand

Avoid crowds

Adrian & Dewi






Wedding Gift

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