Dengan segala kerendahan hati dan dengan ungkapan syukur atas karunia Tuhan,
kami mengundang Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i untuk menghandiri acara Silver Anniversary pernikahan kami

Petrus Canisius Soriton, SE
Dr. Louisa Maria Theresia Gonie


Mario Leonardus Soriton, M.I.Kom

Misa Syukur

Minggu, 5 November 2023

16.30 - 18.00 WIB

Ballroom GRHA Pertamina

Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur, Gambir,
Jakarta Pusat


Minggu, 5 November 2023

18.30 - 21.00 WIB

Ballroom GRHA Pertamina

Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur, Gambir,
Jakarta Pusat


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Kehadiran Anda merupakan suatu kehormatan besar bagi kami dan keluarga kami.
Mohon konfirmasi kehadiranmu melalui formulir di bawah ini:


If you would like to express your kind wishes by
sending us a gift, please tap the button below.

If you're sending us wedding gift, please fill the form below


Capture your moment while attending our
silver anniversary by using the Instagram filter below:

Abadikan momen bahagia bersama kami dengan menggunakan filter instagram berikut ini:

Lastly before you leave the wish and prayers, we want to share with you a glimpse of our story ….
We never know when we first met during Senior High School, it could led us here, walking our path from 10 years ago to forever .

It was not a smooth journey but we’re really grown
by it. We get to understand ourselves more, control
our selves, accept each other’s flaws, and also hand
in hand building our spiritual life.

But as God’s scripture on 1 John 4:19 said
Kita mengasihi, karena Allah lebih dahulu mengasihi kita.“,
we realised that it’s truly, really, only by His Grace,
we are able to move forward to another step of life.
It’s all because of the goodness of God.

Now as we want to move on, please do pray for us
so that we can continue become blessings.
Thank you for all supports, words cannot describe
how grateful we are of you.
May Jesus Christ bless you as well.


Please leave your sincere prayers and wishes to us and our family:

Merupakan suatu kebahagiaan bagi kami apabila Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i berkenan hadir untuk memberikan doa restu kepada keluarga kami.

Atas kehadiran dan doa restunya kami ucapkan terima kasih.

See you on our wedding day!

BCA 6320-33-8385 an. Steven Tjahyadi
BCA 7600-10-6869 an. Graciella

Wedding Gift

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a/n. Dhinar Tri Istiwulan