Holy Matrimony
La Kana Chapel, Susan Spa
Bandungan, Jawa Tengah
August 8th 2022
09.00 WIB
Wedding Reception
Susan Spa
Bandungan, Susan Spa
August 8th 2022
12.00 WIB
“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greastest of these is love.”
1 Corinthians 13:13
Live Streaming
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Wedding Gift
Doa Restu Anda merupakan karunia yang sangat berarti bagi kami.
Namun apabila memberi adalah ungkapan tanda kasih anda, Anda dapat mengirimkannya dengan klik tautan dibawah ini
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Health Protocol
Due to being in a pandemic period, without reducing respect, it is hoped that all guests can follow the health protocols recommended by the government