Our Special
Wedding Event
Holy Matrimony
January 14th 2022
09.30 WIB
Heritage Room
Hotel Indonesia Kempinski
16th Floor
Jl. MH Thamrin No. 1 Jakarta
Wedding Reception
January 14th 2022
17.30 WIB
Bali Room
Hotel Indonesia Kempinski
Lobby Level
Jl. MH Thamrin No. 1 Jakarta
Live Streaming
I love you no matter what, here is our beginning to the infinity. We are always meant to be together, even in the keyboard B and V are side by side.
Wedding Wishes
Protokol Kesehatan
Dengan hormat, para tamu undangan yang bersedia menghadiri acara dimohon kesediannya untuk mematuhi protokol kesehatan sebagai berikut
The Wedding of
Benny & Vivian
to :
We apologize for any misspelled name/title