Kalau ada sumur diladang boleh kah kita menumpang mandi, kalau ada waktu dan kesempatan boleh kah kita bersilaturahmi kembali, onty oncle jangan lupa datang di hari spesial aku ya, kedatangan onty oncle sangat berarti buat aku.. Makasih onty oncle 😘
Terima kasih
Kumit Family
To my dear friends, aunties, and uncles..
Celebrating my special moments with you adds a glitter to my life.
Every bit of joy, happiness, laughter and sweets will be there in celebration.
Please come and rock the party, see you!
Thank you
Nina Herlina & Anggi Wirawan
Celestine Gunawan
Happy parents
Patricia Margaretha & Indra Gunawan
Saturday, January 28th 2023 at 10:00 - 12.00 WIB
Horapa Ballroom
Jl Gajah Mungkur Selatan no.15A Petompon - Kec Gajahmungkur, Semarang 50232
Celebrating our special moments with you adds a glitter to our life.
Every bit of joy, happiness, laughter and sweets will be there in celebration. Please come and rock the party!