Astrid & Reza
Astrid Renata Waworuntu, S.E
Putri ketiga dari
Bapak Eugene Rene Waworuntu (Alm)
Ibu Yuni Etty Ciptaningsih
Rachadian Wiefa Reza, S.E
Putra pertama dari
Bapak Elfa Iskandar
Ibu Dewi Nurul Falah
Due to current circumstances, we’re having a live-streamed ceremony.
Click/ scan this below to join us.
Apabila Bapak Ibu/Saudara/i yang berhalangan hadir, acara ini juga dapat disaksikan secara live streaming melalui tauran berikut ini:
Without compromising respect, invited guests who are willing to attend the event are requested to comply with the following health protocols