

Andreas & Florensia
Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms.
We apologize for any misspelled name or title
Mohon maaf apabila ada kesalahan penulisan nama/gelar


By the Grace and Blessing of the Lord, together with our families we cordially request the honor of your presence at our wedding.

Andreas Hartoyo Yaputra

Son of
Mr. dr. Hardi Koesno Dihardjo (+) & Mrs. dr. Yuhana Tedjasukmana


Regina Florensia

Daughter of
Mr. Fardi Sutarto (Abun) & Mrs. Ho Lie Tjian

Holy Matrimony

Saturday, February 19th 2022

12.00 WIB

Gereja Katolik St. Yakobus

Jl. Pulau Bira Besar, Komplek TNI AL Kodamar, Kelapa Gading

Live Streaming

We are sorry that we cannot invite you to our wedding ceremony and regretfully must limit the number of our guest due to the current circumstances.

However, we would like you to attend our holy matrimony virtually by accessing the youtube link below.

We wish we could have you with us on our special day, but we feel this is the right decision to ensure everyone's health and safety.

Thank you for your presence and blessings.

Tap Here

Wedding Gift

Your blessings and virtual presence will be more than we could have hoped for. However, if you wish to honour us with an extra love through digital platform, you may refer to the details below.


Souvenir Gift

Thank you for the support, prayers, and wedding gifts given.
Please fill in the form below correctly, so that we can send the souvenir to your address.

Give a Wish

“You are my answered prayer, my fulfilled wish, my realized dream”

Google Map

Health protocols

Without compromising respect, invited guests who are willing to attend the event are requested to comply with the following health protocols

Wash your hand frequently

Use Handsanitizer

Wear a mask

Social Distancing

Don't Shake Hand

Avoid crowds


Your presence and prayers will bring joy to us.

Thank You







WhatsApp Image 2022-01-22 at 12.42.33
An. Andreas H Y or Florensia
Logo Bank BNI PNG
An. Ratih Noerbaningroem

Send Gift

Alamat 1 :

Villa tangerang indah RT01/RW10, Jl. Krakatau IV Blok CC1 No.16, Kec. Periuk Kel. Gebang Raya. Kota Tangerang, Banten. 15132

Alamat :

Jl. Pulau Bira Besar, Komplek TNI AL Kodamar, Kelapa Gading

Wedding Gift

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a/n. Dhinar Tri Istiwulan