Saturday, December 3rd 2022
08.00 WIB
Grand City Hall Room Colosseum
Jl. Balai Kota No.1, Kesawan,
Kec. Medan Bar.,
Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara 20112
Monday, December 5th 2022
18.00 WIB
Mahogany Grand Ballroom
Jl. Balai Kota No.1, Kesawan,
Kec. Medan Bar.,
Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara 20112
Two are better then one, because they have a good reward for their work. And if one has a fall, the other will give him a hand.
Pengkhotbah 4 : 9-10 (a)
Health protocols
Without compromising respect, invited guests who are willing to attend the event are requested to comply with the following health protocols